Saturday, July 29, 2006

Tony Blair is one of those politicians who sucks up to those more powerful than himself (Bush and Murdoch), and stomps on everybody else

and of course he gets his reward - a future of lucrative speaking engagements in the US and a job on the board of the Sun


forget the New Labour jingles and spin - look at what they've doing -

* preventing the democratisation of the House of Lords

* selling peerages to raise money to keep themselves in power

* modifying legislation to allow rich donors to continue advertising harmful products

* attempting to privatise the health and education systems

* allowing UK airspace to be secretly used for transporting abducted people to countries where they will be tortured

* supplying money and arms to dictatorships

* supporting the overthrow of elected governments

* invading resource-rich countries


"How many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?" - Bob Dylan


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